I started singing when I was dragged into my father’s church choir at a young age (I’m not exactly sure how young… perhaps seven). It’s something I’m hugely grateful for now, because of the opportunities that it has opened up for one of the most enjoyable activities one can experience.
Church & school choirs I have sung with include The Southburgh Choir, my school choir (Wymondham College), the Leeds University Union Music Society Choir (LUUMS choir), Pennsylvania State University’s Glee Club, St Peter Mancroft Choral Scholars (Norwich).
I’m also a huge fan of a cappella groups and a cappella music (big fan of The Swingle Singers). I was first introduced to tight-knit vocal arrangements when I was invited to sing with Close Harmony, a group of six singers accompanied by piano based in Swaffham, Norfolk. Since then I have sung with (and for a while directed) the Leeds University Union A Cappella Singers, managed and sang with Head Row (6-strong all-male barbershop group based in Leeds) and founded an a cappella group in the USA called Blue In The FACE.
I have also arranged music for a cappella in the past and hope to do more in the future (see Music Composition).
Apart from the choirs listed above, I am available as a dep in choirs in Norwich and the surrounding area. I have sung with Norwich Cathedral Choir, The Norwich Cathedral Consort, the Barnham Broom And Upper Yare Group of Parishes Choir, Sine Nomine and many other choirs on this basis.
More recently, I have been involved with a new small-scale chamber choir in Norwich run by my brother called The Red Steeplers.