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Author Archives: Simeon Jackson
Why do some people have disposable income, but others don’t?
Conventional economics would probably say that this is largely due to a disparity of incomes. Those with higher incomes than what is required to cover their expenses in a given locality will have a higher disposable income than those on lower wages. But let’s say that we assume that we are assuming two households with […]
What I wrote in May
2nd May – Planning A Fantasy World – #MayWriteABit
1st May – What I May Write – #MayWriteABit
Consultation Response: Affordable Housing
My submission to the Anglia Square PGN consultation
Speech against Devolution – 28th June 2016
Brand(ed) as a politician
Norwich Against Tax Dodging
My Endorsement: Vote Green in the Euros
Although we’ve been hearing a lot about the Europe “in-out” debate in the last few weeks, we much less frequently hear about the political balance of Europe. The Green Party are within the fourth biggest parliamentary grouping in Europe. As hard-working and collaborative MEPs, Greens really do get results.
Another subprime mortgage crisis waiting to happen?
Speech on Castle Mall 5th December 2013
Planning Committee – 10th October 2013
Full Council – 24th September 2013
September’s full council meeting was quite a big one for me. The Green Party were putting three motions, one of which I was proposing, as well as numerous questions. The full agenda (including motion texts) can be found here. I heard the Lord Mayor’s announcements and voted to agree the minutes of the last meeting. […]
No payday loan advertising on Council property, please
At the Norwich City Council meeting of 24th September 2013, I proposed a motion as follows: Council RESOLVES to ask the cabinet, where the law so allows, not to :- (1) permit council assets or facilities to be used for advertising by ‘payday loan’ companies; or (2) use external facilities where ‘payday loan’ companies are […]
Planning Committee – 12th September 2013
Norwich Early Evening Events
I like Norwich’s outdoor events. I recently enjoyed activities put on as part of a programme of activities called ‘Head Out Not Home’ being coordinated by Norwich Business Improvement District (BID) to promote Norwich’s early evening economy. But do these activities really achieve the intended aim? What else might be done?
Planning Committee – 25th July 2013
Full Council – 23rd July 2013
My first speech at Full Council
Briefing: Monetary Reform
Chain Consuming or Systems Thinking?
Funding change
Review: You are not a gadget
There are two things which seem to get criticised even more than the weather these days, and they are politics and computer technology. I’ll save political criticism for a later post, and today address the latter. It’s quite easy as a young person to be quick to defend the merits of IT. For someone who […]
New Years Resolution: New Blog Posts Every Monday
Dear dedicated followers, I hereby announce that, as of tomorrow, I will try to publish a new blog post every Monday. Although there may be exceptions (I won’t fail the entire resolution if I miss the odd one due to illness, or some other unforeseen eventuality), I hope that I will generally keep up the […]
Bonuses for purchasing?
Transition Computer Games
Ever since the Transition Conference, I’ve been meaning to write a post about it. Well, here’s one, and perhaps there will be more later! During open space on the Saturday afternoon of the Transition Network Conference, I was a bit of a butterfly and attended several sessions which caught my interest, without settling down for […]